Before you consider pitching, you have to be ready. Not like “What is the price of this service?” or “Who am I and who are my clients?” but mindset ready. Are you ready for people to say yes to you? Are you ready to receive payment for your services? This may seem like a silly question because of course in some way you’re in business to make money. So how could I not be ready? Take a peek at these mindset questions and then check out a way to get even more prepared with the mindset reminders and permission.
Know that it’s perfectly fine to feel nervous. Those nerves keep you honest and show you that you care. So care for others! Just don’t throw yourself on the knife to do so. You’re allowed ease, profit, freedom while serving others.
I’m so nervous that they’ll say no.
Let’s remember something about our goals. I think our brains tell us that we need 1,000 clients to make $10,000 and that’s just not the point. If you sell services that average $1,500, you’ll need 15 clients per quarter to make $100k. Not hundreds. Not 50. Now it’s work to get 15, no question, BUT you will get more no’s than a yes. When I was in sales for my 15+ years, we did the same thing at every company. We were more focused on getting 98 no’s than getting 2 yes’s. The goal is not for the next call to be a yes, but for it to be a no. Now – that doesn’t make sense right? Why would I want 98 no’s? To learn more about your people. To understand their needs better. To customize your services to their needs so you can see what you’re able to convert into a no. A standard conversion rate is 2-5% which means that for every 100 people you talk to, 2-5 people will say yes. If that’s the case, do you want to spend the next year going through 100 conversations? Or do you want to go through that list as fast as humanly possible? When you race through no’s, you get the yes’s much faster. Don’t be nervous they’ll say no. Know that they will say no. The goal is not to sell or convince someone. Let them say no. Let them hear what you do. Let them think of their friend who is perfect for you. Let them come back in a year. The goal is a ton of no’s, the bonus is a yes.
Affirmation: Every no is a massive leap towards a yes. Every hesitation keeps me far away from my end goals.
I’m strangely really nervous they’ll say yes. What if I disappoint them?
Oof do I get this one! We recently landed some massive pinch-me-moment clients that have me wondering how we got so lucky, and then immediately led me to think “Oh my god what I have I done? I’m a fraud I can’t do this job!” but I came back to what I learned in therapy. This heightened sensation is not what I feel when I go grocery shopping, or order coffee, or call my mom – because I have no skin in the game. I don’t really have any sort of need for it to work out. I’m grounded in myself whether or not the grocery store has the coffee I prefer, whether or not my mom picks up, or if they mess up my order at Starbucks. But I care about my clients, and I care about my business. So I come back to “I’m so grateful for this feeling. Thank you to my body for showing me how much this means to me. I’m ready, I can do this, I would never over promise what I can deliver on” – which is true. And I know it’s true for you.
The thing is, we’re humans having a human experience with fallible tendencies. We will make mistakes. You will make mistakes. I’ve made mistakes myself – don’t ever think I do everything right every day. However, when and if you do make a mistake, handle it well. You apologize, you take responsibility YOURSELF (not blaming your team, or a client, or external circumstances) and you ask how you can fix it. All we can control is ourselves so control what you can. Do not promise to deliver on something you cannot. Do not charge a price that completely rips someone off while adding thousands to your bank account. You’re allowed to be human, and trust me, nobody wants someone perfectly buttoned up in a bow. You got this.
Affirmation: I trust that I am only promising what I can deliver on well and trust that I can come back from any setback that comes my way. I’m resilient, I work hard, I care, and I show up for my clients.
I don’t want to bother anyone or annoy them.
When we think of sales we think of all the bad experiences of sales. We think of that salesperson in a store that earns commission who wont leave us alone. That DM that says “Hey girl love your profile! Have you ever considered hiring someone to do xyz?” or that standard “used car salesman” story that we hear often that says sales = annoying. But hey guess what, you see good sales all the time. You don’t notice them though because you have 1) raised your hand/opted in to hearing more 2) been the right client for what someone does and/or 3) someone spoke to you like a human and not a bank account. Here’s an example of a sales conversation in the DMs. Ethical connected ideal client sales.

I want to be very clear that the reason you don’t think of this ^^ as “salesy” is because it’s authentic, it’s not forceful, and it’s communication with someone who showed they are right for my services. That doesn’t make it any less of a sales conversation. This is sales. This is the sales I want you to do. As we get into pitching, I do not want you to think I want you to get comfortable doing gross sales. The total opposite. I want you to see how human, how connective, how simple sales is with the proper research, messaging, and clarity in who you are/what people need.
One of my favorite examples of sales is what I call the Leaky Faucet. Let’s say your faucet is broken and keeps making a dripping noise that drives you NUTS, and I call you and say “Hey [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], I’m a plumber and I heard your faucet is broken. I’m here to help if you need someone to come by today – it would be $50”. This person (aka you in this scenario lol) has a clear problem – her faucet is broken. She’s not going to think “Wow this person is trying to steal from me! How rude!” They’ll think “Oh thank god, I need this faucet fixed can you come today? I’m so glad you reached out”. Now – let’s say she doesn’t have a broken faucet and I call and say “Listen I fix broken faucets. Yours isn’t broken, but wanted to introduce myself in case theres any other plumbing that needs help or if you ever need a pro, give me a call I got your back”.
Both of these are sales. They’re saying 1) you either have a problem or 2) you may one day. Regardless, I’m going to tell you about my fix and how we can work together now or when you need me. This only works because she has the problem or she may be exposed to it.
Sales is:
- Do you have this specific problem? If so
- Do you know what your options are? If so
- Do you know about what my option looks like? If so
- Do you have any questions about how it fits in with you? If so
- Are you ready to go or do you want to wait?
It’s not forceful. It’s not coercion. It’s not stealing. It’s not manipulating. It’s not gimmegimmegimme. It’s I solve a problem and I’m here if you need it fixed. If you don’t, I’m glad we met and I hope we keep in touch.
….and that. is. it.
Affirmation: Annoying people with sales means that I have not found a client, lead, or consumer who is right or ready for my services. I cannot annoy someone who is grateful for my help and support.
Sales is not gross. Bad sales is gross. Sales at it’s core is simply and only education.
Learn them.
Allow them to learn you.
Show them any recommendations you have for you or other experts.
Keep in touch with them.
It’s funny because you know what sales is more than anything?
Easiest way not to be a con man is not to con people.
Affirmation: I’m not interested in pushing anyone into what’s not for them. I know that sales is connection and education and I will do both with heart and care.
The Team AP Way that I’m Not Supposed to Say But F*ck It
Not to get too…political, but a lot of these feelings are rooted in a male supremacy mindset that keeps women small. To change the narrative for women, we have to pick up the pen and rewrite the story where we are in control of our revenue, we are pushing for a better future for ourselves, and we are relentless in our pursuit for equality. That may be as big of a rebellion as marching in DC, or it may be as small of a rebellion as pitching your $750 service or your $2500 agency offerings to entrepreneurs/businesses. I’ve worked for way too many dumb men who make a f*ck ton of money just because they decide to take up the space. The best people are not the ones who are most successful. Read that again. Because you being “better” at your job does not mean you’ll make more money. It’s a story we have to realize isn’t reality. Those who find success, make money, and see freedom in their life? They are the ones who are resilient, who keep going, and who are mostly at the right place at the right time. So keep going, TAKE UP SPACE, and work with those who are ready to hire you, make sure you are ready to offer and deliver on what youre selling, and realize there are people making money from what you do with less skills. Your people are looking for you. Go find them.